Education & Training

At Latigic, we offer a variety of educational opportunities designed to help individuals and organizations grow. Our goal is to make learning accessible, engaging, and impactful.

Grant Writer Training

Our classes help anyone interested in the grant writing process become an internal grant writer within an organization. Specialized training is also available for nonprofit boards and business owners to understand grant strategies and how to get the organization "grant-ready." Our training gives tools and techniques to develop project goals, objectives, and potential impact. Participants begin to approach funding opportunities confidently, increase competitiveness, and demonstrate their readiness for support.

Basic Business Concept Training

Shift from hobbyist to confident business owner by gaining crucial skills and insights. Basic Business Concept classes can be standalone or done as a series. Classes are created to be taught in timeframes of 45-minute, 60-minute, or 3-hour sessions. They break down essential business school concepts for non-experts and provide practical workbooks and real-world examples, helping you apply business knowledge directly to your day-to-day operations.

Leadership and Team Building Workshops

Our leadership and team-building workshops incorporate the power of play, mindset development, and self-awareness. Participants will get to know themselves and the personalities they work with, cultivate communication skills, and enhance professionalism in the workplace. These interactive activities are designed to improve leadership skills and build effective teams, fostering a positive and productive work environment.

Conference Breakout Sessions

We provide conference breakout sessions that can be adjusted to your scheduling needs. Typically, these are intended for 30-45 minutes. These sessions spotlight the critical elements of fundamental business concepts and grant 101 courses, making them appealing and informative for potential participants at seminars and conferences.

Consultant-Coach Training

We offer comprehensive training for business centers, agencies, or organizations that deliver small business consultations and technical support. This process helps equip consultants with the practical skills to support and guide aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs.

Custom Curriculum Development

In addition to Latigic’s classes and training sessions, we can help create a custom curriculum. Whether you need a tailored training program for your staff or a specific educational module for your organization, we can develop content that meets your unique needs.